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Exhibitions, vernissages and other events is what allows me to get out of my attic. I spend a lot of time in my atelier, and almost as much doing the "business" part on my desk. 
It is a wonderful moment to meet people interested in my work. Asking me questions or telling me stories, because they got inspired by my work.
Exchanging with the visitors is really important to me. I do art mostly by myself, but I need to share it with you.
It could also be the moment when an artwork passes from my hand to yours and I must admit that it is not always easy to part with it.
Once there was a couple interested in a piece and we started discussing it. At some point they asked me "Are you shure you want to sell it?" I started to laugh but at the same time I realized that I was almost holding back on the sale! In the end they happily left with the painting and I was sure it was in good hands.

Here are my next exhibitions for 2021. I have the great pleasure of inviting you to meet me and discover (or re-discover) my work!



!ClosED from 18th january! December - january 21 // Martina Niederhauser (pop-up gallery) // zuG - ch


!REPORTED! april 26 // Art talents (booth 30) // zurich - ch



!REPORTED! april 29 - may 2 // lausanne ART fair avec COgalerie // lausanne - CH

July 4 // Art talents (booth 30) // zurich - ch

august 25-29 // swiss art expo // zurich HB - ch

September 30 - october 3 // lausanne ART fair avec COgalerie // lausanne - CH

november 10-14 // MONTREUX ART GALLERY (booth A25) // montreux - ch


January // LINEA espace artistique // Morges - ch


!CANCELED! april 26 // Art talents (booth 30) // zurich - ch

!CANCELED! May - JunE // LINEA espace artistique // Morges - ch

!CANCELED! july 13-18 // montreux jazz - FORUM // Montreux - ch

august 20-24 // swiss art expo // zurich HB - ch

! Postponed, new date to be announcedELED! september 21-22 // Dementality Charity Event // Zurich - CH

!NEW DATE! September 24-27 // lausanne ART fair avec COgalerie // lausanne - CH

october 18 // Art talents (booth 30) // zurich - ch

! Postponed, new date to be announcedELED! october 23-24 // YS7D - kunsthaus // Zurich - CH

october 31 // metalli expo // Zug - CH

!CANCELED! november 4-8 // MONTREUX ART GALLERY (booth A25) // montreux - ch

!ClosED from 18th january! December - january 21 // Martina Niederhauser (pop-up gallery) // zuG - ch

December 4-31 // Pedro martin rojo + Friends (pop-up gallery) // zurich - ch


December 4-24 // Linea Espace artistique // Morges -CH



december 1 // Art Limited // zurich - ch



november 6-10 // MONTREUX ART GALLERY (booth A25) // montreux - ch

october 20 // Art talents (booth 30) // zurich - ch

Oct 14 - nov 17 // camin hotel // colmegna - i

september 26 // YS7D Live painting // Zurich - CH

september 21 // Dementality Charity Event // Zurich - CH

august 30-31 // AMSTERDAM INT'L ART FAIr // Amsterdam - NL

august 15-19 // swiss art expo // zurich HB - ch

june 29 - july 27 // Galerie Kramer Krieg // Lausanne - CH

JUNE 3 - august 3 // HÔPITAL DE LAVAUx // cully - ch

may 9-19 // Galerie pignon sur rue // prilly - ch

april 26-28 // ART3f // luxembourg - l


april 7 // Art talents (booth 30) // zurich - ch


november 7-11 // MONTREUX ART GALLERY (booth A25) // montreux - ch


october 24-30 // espace 52 // St-Sulpice - CH

october 21 // Art talents (booth 30) // zurich - ch

september 1 - october 14 // Ristorante fiorentina // Locarno - ch

august 4 - september 30 // camin hotel // colmegna - i


june 2 - october 10 // centre vitanime // bussigny - CH


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